[2024-09-09 06:34:05] (ERROR @ /www/core/model/modx/modparser.class.php : 541)
Could not find snippet with name paramItem.
[2024-09-09 06:34:05] (ERROR @ /www/core/model/modx/modparser.class.php : 541)
Could not find snippet with name paramItem.
[2024-09-09 06:34:05] (ERROR @ /www/core/model/modx/modparser.class.php : 541)
Could not find snippet with name paramItem.
[2024-09-09 06:34:05] (ERROR @ /www/core/model/modx/modparser.class.php : 541)
Could not find snippet with name paramItem.
[2024-09-09 06:34:05] (ERROR @ /www/core/model/modx/modparser.class.php : 541)
Could not find snippet with name paramItem.
Модель ножа 3000 есть на складе в следующих размерах и цветах (рукоятки):